Monday, November 12, 2007

This article is about:


Lawrence's argues that both judiciary and society denies reality of race in America. He says that segregations is a big part of it all, which is true becuase in the article it talks about how segregation functions and the three underlying characteristics are:
  1. Segreation's only purpose is to label or define blacks as inferior and exclude them from full and equal particpation in society.
  2. Blacks are injuried by the existence of the system or institution of segregation rather then by particular segregating acts.
  3. The instituion of segregation is organic and self-perpetuating. Once established it will not elminate more removal of public sanction but must be affirmativelydestroyed.

So basically those three charatertistics is saying is that blacks should be not be able to particpate in society and that we should exclude them from everything. I disagree with that statement becuase without blacks we would be short handed with alot of things in this world. Another thing later in the arrticle says that if we think of seperate white children from blacks as a source of harm that also is not right becasuse if society seperates white children from black then those children are not going to know why? They are going to think that thats how the society runs. On page 288 i really like what the parent said to her child. She said make sure you study hard and one day you will end up like Mr. Lawerence. I feel as though alot of families, children look up to lawerence.

Lawerence talks in the article about a school in new york and when the teacher passed out grades he would give the same speech as before. Everyone is equal and does to their best of ability and no matter what your grade might be, you all are smart. He also says that A students become law professors, B students become judges and C students make the money. If that all was true then this society would be a whole lot different. Education and the school system is looked at as being a misunderstanding becuase of the goverment.

This article was a bit confusing to me so when we get to go over in class ill come back and update it.

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