Saturday, November 24, 2007

Citizenship in School: Reconceptualizing Down Syndrome

This Article is About:
  • down syndrome
  • education
  • segregation
  • judgment
  • democracy
  • schooling
  • citizens
  • children
  • individuals

What i got out of this article, was that Kliewer was trying to let people know how children are being segreted and judged in school systems. It's hard to read what the children have to say about how other kids treat them. An example would be that a girl named Mia was taking special education classes and she didnt like it, she went through those classes almost her whole life. She wanted to feel liek a normal person and take normal classes. In my highschool when there was a student who was special ed they had their own classroom which was good and bad. I guess you can say it was good in a way becuase they were getting extra treatment they needed rather then being in a big classroom where they probbaly would of been ingorned. But i think it's bad in a way becuase students who are in special education classes who can take care of them selves should have the opportunity to be in regular classes to see where they stand..i think the school system should give them a chance to see if they can handle the difference. My highschool was half and half with choices like that.

Judgement and Democracy talks about how the framework of utilitarianisim maitains the decocracy and exisits as a bureaucratic arrangment apart from the general population and it's charged with the protection of individual.

The movie we watched in tuesdays class was kind of hard to sit through just becuase i was wacthing students who were disabled and alot of them were being segregated from schools and alot of the paernts were fighting for the right of their child. PArents wanted their kidds to attend regular classes becuase most of the students could handle it, but the school systems were not agreeing to let the "special ed" students be in the same classes as regular students. I personally think that wether if your in a wheel chair or whatever it might be i think that if you can talk. write, listen and hear then you should be able to attend regular classes, it's only fair. Just becuase you have some students who walk funny, talk wierd or make wierd noises i feel as though most schools shut students down.

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