Monday, September 24, 2007

Peggy McIntosh


In this article McIntosh talks about white/male privilege as a phenomenon and basically saying that our society is filled with white privilege and is somewhat denied and protected. For example she says "I realize I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but I had been taught not to see through them". I like that statement alot becuase while I was growing up I was taught not to hate on people that was not of my race, or even to be mean for no apparent reason. People of other color are just as human as we are. MsIntosh is trying to say that privilege is put at an advantage for white people. As I read along I liked how she stated that whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege and males are not to recognize male privilege. I understand that statement but I think it's hard for them not to recognize things in life because things become so much easier for them and she names a couple of them throughout the article.
A few examples would be that if:
  • If went shopping alone then im pretty sure that I won't be followed or harassed about giving three forms of id, stealing or even walking alone.
  • If a white person moves then they are pretty sure of renting a house in an area that is afforable and where they are happy.
  • She also says that I am pretty sure that when I move my "new" neighbors will be neutral or pleasant to me.
She gave alot more ideas but I just named a few. I just want to say that I agree with alot of what she is saying but some of the stuff she says makes me so mad. She talks alot about male privilege and power. As I was growing up I learned alot about how you shouldnt judge a book by it's cover. McIntosh says that she was taught to see her self as an individual..she generally saying worry about your self and not about what others are doing around you.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

About Me (:

My name is Demi Spitaleri. I am Italian and Irish. I am currently 19 years old and my birthday is March 7th. This is my second year at RIC and I do not seem to be liking it that much. I know it's only been three weeks into the semester but i would love for it to be over already. It's so overwhelming. Lets just say that RIC was not my first choice for schools. I was going to attend Point Park University for dance but i was injuried bad so i kinda needed to stay here. My major is early child education so i guess this school is best for me. I love working with kids. I currently work at dunkin donuts and a daycare. I love it.
Other than being in school I love being with my friends..they are amazing. Ashton is my best friend..yes I said Ashton everyone thinks it's funny how are names are DEMI and ASHTON. Everytime we say our names they make a big deal out of it becuase for one we are related. She also comes here which is good. My hobbies include going out and having a good time, working, shopping, dancing, movies and pretty much anything else that you would consider a good time. If you want to know more about me you can ask (: