Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Teaching the world to Change

As i read this article i noticed alot of different things that they were trying to get across. Some of the words that struck me were education, power, wealth, change, tradition, sucess, hard work, ambition, oppourtnies, money, hope and the biggest of them all was goverment. Goverment was a big issue in this article. An example would be they argue that democracy required ccitizens to delibrate publicly and to use their reason to decide among competing ideas for guiding the nation.So their trying to say that a "free pass" would circulate the ideas that Americans would debate over and citizens must be able to read.
It goes on saying that Language is how we use to talk to students. it really impacts the students and setting of how you talk/teach them. Differnet children learn materials in all different ways so the student and teacher need to communicate in a language that they both will understand. The lack of acknowledgement will make students not want to learn becuase if your not into it then why would they..and its the other way around. Most teachers basically say that their teachers and they get paid to teach so its not killin them if the child doesnt care.

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